Tips For Effective Mosquito Control

Tips For Effective Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes may not seem like that much of a threat—mostly, we see them simply as pesky little critters that spoil our picnics or whose incessant high-pitched buzzing keeps us from falling asleep in the summertime. But mosquitoes can also transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever, a good reason to consider taking steps to keep their numbers under control. Mosquitoes can also act as vectors for many disease-causing parasites; infected mosquitoes carry these organisms from person to person. Not to mention how much of an all-around terrible nuisance they are, especially when allowed to freely multiply. Many people see mosquitoes as being an unavoidable part of the warmer months. However, there are Tips For Effective Mosquito Control you can do to prevent them from taking over your yard and your home:

Steps to Take in Getting Rid of Mosquitoes

Of course, there are many different chemical-based methods that can be employed as well, but you may want to give these few basic but effective ideas a try before you decide to attack the mosquitoes plaguing you with chemicals.
get rid of standing water

Get rid of any standing water in your yard or garden

Standing water is the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. Still, stagnant water, especially water that is rather dirty, or full of old or rotting leaves and grass, is where mosquitoes reproduce best. The female lays tens of eggs near the water’s edge or on the leaves of water plants, and the larvae feed on other dead insects until they reach maturity. Common places for the eggs to be laid include ponds, marshes, lakes, and even plastic buckets, discarded bottles or temporary puddles. So keep any water you may have around your home clean, and make sure it is changed regularly, or simply emptied if not is use, like in the case of kiddie pools.

Use plants to repel them

Thyme, lemongrass, and rosemary serve many additional purposes beyond just adding character to meals that many people are not aware of. They also happen to be part of a handful of plants that contain mosquito-repelling oils. If you’re experiencing a large number of mosquitoes around our home, try planting these in pots around your patio or porch, or perhaps in highly trafficked outdoor areas. The scent should discourage mosquitoes from coming near. These herbs will also work as natural repellents when used on the skin. If for various reasons you are opposed to using repellant sprays, you could try simply rubbing a small branch of on of the aforementioned herbs over the surface of exposed skin as an effective alternative to chemical-based sprays.

Use plants to repel them
Use Citronella lighting

Use Citronella lighting as much as possible

If mosquitoes are rampant in your area and you would prefer to avoid chemicals as much as possible, then consider investing in Citronella-based candles or torches. The Citronella-infused flame has been proven to repel mosquitoes. As with the herbs mentioned above, mosquitos simply do not like, or even tolerate the scent of this plant. Most humans, however, tend to find the scent of Citronella quite pleasant. These can be especially helpful for your deck, porch, or highly trafficked areas of the lawn during the evening. However, Citronella and lemongrass fuels should only be used outdoors.

Consult with Professional team

Before deciding to take action using chemical substances, perhaps you should give these simple, natural methods a try. Or better yet, consult a pest control professional. We have earned a reputation for being a leader in Pest Control practices for more than 50 years. Our Pest Control experts are well equipped and ready to respond fast when customers need any sort of pest control help. So what are you waiting for? Don’t delay, call Best Pest Control Perth now and let us help you get rid of those pesky mosquitos!
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